Remedios River

The Strategic Plan for the restoration of the Remedios River is a planning tool. It aims at conserving, restoring, and improving both the river and the surrounding areas based on the analysis of four lines of action:

1) Evaluation of possible improvements in water quality through non-traditional solutions;
2) Analysis of the biophysical conditions of the riparian ecosystem; 3) socio-environmental evaluation for the analysis of the creation of linear infrastructure, and 4) risk, threat, and vulnerability through socio-environmental variables. 


Category: Urban strategy / Urban design and landscape infrastructure
Location: Mexico City and State of Mexico, Mexico.
Year: 2019-2020
Status: Finished
Cliente: Mexico’s City Government Environmental Secretary, Institute of Ecology at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México and Mexico's Federal Electricity Commission (CFE). 2019-2020.
In collaboration with: Instituto de Biología de la UNAM

Photograph of the current state of the Remedios River.

Parque lineal Río de los Remedios.

Section of the Remedios River - Before

Sección del Río de los Remedios - After

Acceso al Parque Lineal del Río de los Remedios

View of the Rio de los Remedios linear park area