Re_vista 04 Museo El Eco
Resilient Urbanism and Plastic Elasticity

Resilient urbanism and plastic elasticity is part of the Re_vista 04 of the Museo Experimental El Eco. The proposal focuses on thinking about the contemporary city from an interpretation of the intellect of Mathias Goeritz, appealing to the emotional and expanding artistic expression to the quotidian and infrastructural as a possibility of awareness and visibility of the human relationship with the environment.

In the collaboration with different designers and artists coordinated by ORU, we explored the understanding of resilient acts and imagined fictitious conversations between Mathias Goeritz and important figures of critical thinking in the field of architecture.


Category: Media and exhibitions
Location: N/A
Year: 2021
Status: Published
Client: Museo Experimental El Eco
En colaboración con: Adriana David, Daniel Daou, Del Distrito, MACIA Estudio, Ramiro Chaves

Virtual exhibition, home page.