Manual of general guidelines and design criteria

“Support for a climate resilient and low-carbon recovery in Mexican cities”

The project strengthens Mexico's Urban Improvement Program (PMU) implemented by the Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU). It consists of two components that strengthen the technical design of investments and support SEDATU in incorporating design strategies for resilience, mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the PMU.

The project components are: 1) The Manual of general guidelines and design criteria and 2) The Monitoring, Reporting and Verification Tool (MRV).


Category: Urban strategies and urban design
Location: Mexico
Year: 2021-2022
Status:  Finished
Client: World Bank and Ministry of Agrarian, Territorial and Urban Development (SEDATU)
In collaboration with: Up Technology

Urban-environmental context.

Thermal comfort based on the warm humid climate.

Permeability and readability.

Thermal comfort based on the warm sub-humid climate.