Pre-feasibility study for three strategic projects in the Metropolitan Region of Bogota
Our team prepared a pre-feasibility study of three strategic projects for the municipalities of Chía, Cajicá, and Zipaquirá in the Sabana Centro in the Metropolitan Region of Bogota:
1) Metropolitan Park Network of the Bogotá River.
2) Network of Bicycle Paths of the Savannah
3) Ecological Agropark
Our team developed the integral vision and a conceptual design proposal for each project, including objectives, strategies, lines of action, and recommendations. Each project also integrates a preliminary cost analysis, identifying legal tools and possible financial mechanisms. The result is an Action Plan that includes a roadmap with the next steps for implementation.
Category: Applied research, Urban strategies, Urban design
Location: Municipalities of Chía, Cajicá, and Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
Year: 2021
Financed by:: BID
Client: Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Probogotá, Colombia; municipalities of Chía, Cajicá, and Zipaquirá, Cundinamarca.
In collaboration with: Taller Architects
Overview of Metropolitan Parks
Project 1: Metropolitan Parks of the Bogota River
Project 2: Network of bicycle routes in the Savanna
Project 3: Ecological Agropark