Action plan for the integration of biodiversity and ecosystem services into coastal urban development in Los Cabos, Boca del Rio, Bacalar y Othon P. Blanco.
The BIOCITIS initiative, promoted by GIZ, aims to improve the protection of biodiversity and ecosystem services in Mexico's coastal regions. A territorial study and diagnosis of three coastal regions was carried out: Los Cabos in Baja California Sur, Boca del Río in Veracruz, and Bacalar and Othón P. Blanco in Quintana Roo. The project identified the main ecosystems and their ecosystem services in conflict with urban development and at risk from climate change.
The result is a series of actions and measures to protect and restore the main ecosystems specifically designed for each region. Finally, three action plans our team created three action plans that include four priority green infrastructure measures and nature-based solutions. Each plan includes actions such as environmental protection programs, reforestation, and green infrastructure projects focused on coastal adaptation and risk mitigation.
Category: General management, project development, research,and analysis
Location: Los Cabos, Baja California Sur; Boca del Rio, Veracruz; Bacalar y Othon P. Blanco, Quintana Roo
Year: 2021
Status: Terminado
Financed by: German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
Client: GIZ and municipalities of Los Cabos; Boca del Rio; Othon P. Blanco y Bacalar.
In collaboration with: Deltares, Jesús Horacio González Andujo y Aurora Breceda Solís Cámara (Los Cabos), Alejandra Vásquez-Terán y Magaly Cruz Marzoa (Boca del Río) Carolina Hernández Wences y Ricardo Ochoa Sosa (Bacalar, Othón P. Blanco)
Flood risk map of Mexico's coastal zones
Axonometric of Los Cabos
Axonometric of Othon P. Blanco and Bacalar
San José del Cabo
Axonometric of Boca del Rio
Boca del Rio