Project selection within the Master Plan for the restoration of Atoyac River

As part of the Sustainable Urban Transformation in Latin American Cities Initiative, AECID called upon experts in urban planning and water management for the identification and definition of viable interventions in the continent.

In this context, ORU was selected as a consultant for the proposed intervention in the Upper Atoyac River Basin, in the states of Puebla and Tlaxcala in Mexico. The final document presents the territorial analysis, proposal of studies, and technical services identified as necessary for the urban and resilient transformation of the region and the sanitation of the Atoyac River.


Category: Urban strategies / Applied research
Location: Puebla and Tlaxcala, Mexico.
Year: 2019-2020
Status: Completed
Client: World Resources Institute - WRI, Mexico
In collaboration with: SELZ + Partners

Proposed grouping of municipalities by Districts for the Sanitation and Well-being of the Atoyac River.

Municipalities observed by CNDH and Norte Atoyac.

Tlaxcala – Apizaco.

Puebla-Tlaxcala Conurbation.

Puebla - Vasequillo.